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Charts Interpretation updated on January 15, 2019

The below ranking is part of, what we Chartered Market Technician® call, the top down approach

Each countries performance is the average of many industries' performance. Each country is charted, on a weekly basis, in absolute terms, as well as in relative terms versus the ACWI index, to keep the opportunity cost in check. Once the top countries for the week are found, a drill down into each industries of the aforementioned top countries is done to again find the best performers. Once found, we go one level deeper to find the leaders of the top performing industries.


In the Americas, Brazil is strong although currently a tad overextended, a short term pullback is likely.

In APAC, Indonesia and Philippines are both strong but overextended, New Zealand is strong on a relative basis but less so on an absolute basis, still some overhead resistance to clear.

In EMEA, Poland and Qatar are strong, Switzerland has relative strength but still in a downtrend on absolute basis. 

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